

(I'll be commenint back soon, the live-bloggin was interrupted because United doesn't have Wi-FI on board because they SUCK!) I always suspected Rodolph the Red Nosed Reindeer was a terroist and here's the proof!


Say Hello To My Little Friends!

Okay, I'm here at the airport and it's too early for the bars to be open. But never fear, I have a solution to this problem...

Here we are in the bathroom with four good friends of mine, The Smirnoff Brothers!

All we have to do is transfer the Smirnoff Quartet into this half full diet Snapple bottle and...

Ba-Boom, instant drinkage! I'm going to drink this in the food court and then see if I can get through the gate. Cheers!


And We're Off...

My flight takes off at 10:00AM, and of course I'm paranoid about getting to the airport, so here's a shot of me travelling in the car service at 6:30AM. Morning has broken, all over my head. Ugh. More to come.