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Another Blog Bites The Dust

Okay, this is it, the last blog post for Tripping With Marty! I went through a lot with this blog. I started it when my job moved out of state, then tried different formats as I looked for work in New York City. My last few months in New York were kind of depressing for me and this blog really helped get me through those months. As did all you fine people who read it and those of you who leave great comments. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart! This was the one constant thing I had in my life for a while and I truly appreciate those of you who supported it and read it.

This is my fourth blog I’ve done and every one has been an adventure unto itself.
Every blog I seem to meet new people and make new friends and my new one is starting next week, on Monday, December 10th. I have some ideas for it, but as usual, they’re broad strokes and I’ll be winging it as always. Thanks again, everybody and I hope to see you next week!

P.S. This post is going up super early because I have to work the dreaded day shift a couple days this week. I’ll comment back when I get home later tonight. Happy Monday, Happy Birthday, Happy The Clown and Happy Rockefeller!

Further Reading: TMWS, 365 Bars and MAD.

There she goes, there she goes again,
She calls my name, pulls my train,
No-one else could heal my pain.

Surprise link, click on it...I dare you!

Bonus Photo of Terry by Gene!

Speaking of meeting friends through these blogs, I met and have become great friends with three people from Baltimore collectively known as the BBC (Baltimore Bar Crawlers).
Indivdually they are are Gene, Smoopy and Terry. Recently on one of their bar crawls (they usually travel to about 590 bars in one night and have over 26,000 drinks between the three of them), Gene snapped this photo of Terry sporting the legendary 365 bars t-shirt that “Boris” designed. Here’s what Gene sent along with the photo:

“Terry sporting the 365 colors in Baltimore tonight. We're at the famous Ledbetters Tavern in Fells Point. It would be on Al's list !”

Thanks for the photo, Gene! We need to time a trip to New York as soon as I get vacation time at my new job! See you all next Monday at the new blog, the link will be posted here! Have a gravy week!

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Reader Comments (41)

Hey Marty ! Happy Monday to you too!
Can't wait for your new blog!

Good luck and hope to see you in NYC in the near future.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRayRay

I'm still here, readin', writin', and now just pouring over the last TWM, great luck on the next one ;)

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMykola Mick Dementiuk

I'll be right here waiting for the new blog Marty...did you see that photo of Bloomberg that I e-mailed you?

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJaws the Cabbie

Hey Marty! Looking forward to the new Peoria venture! Spotted your Grade A Fancy pals yesterday, on the vintage train from 2nd Ave to Queens Plaza. They looked suitably stylish.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteronemorefoldedsunset

The "Happy" theme is on. You just look happier in Peoria. Mars Bar register, should be in the Smithsonian, oh well. Nice shot of Terry at Ledbetters, I've been to Fell's but don't remember that place. Went to Wharf Rat and Horse you came in on, and Bertha's, where I got the crabs, lol.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAl

Another chapter closes, yet another begins. Great talking to you yesterday. Looking forward to the latest adventures Daddio!

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter"Boris"

@RayRay: Thanks, Ray! I can't wait to get back to NYC, but it might be a while till I get some vacation time, maybe you'll have to come to Peoria!

@Mykola Mick Dementiuk: Looking forward to seeing you at the new blog, my friend!

@Jaws: I saw the Bloomie photo and emailed you back, see you at the new blog next week!

@onemorefoldedsunset: The Peoria blog will be up and running next week! I can't wait to start it! That's too funny you saw Karen and Jon on the train. It is a small world after all! Okay, back to work, lunch is about over!

@Al: You're right about the happy theme, things have been going my way ever since I moved here (*knocks on wood.*) Sorry to hear about the crabs, they have ointments for that, you know.

@"Boris:" Youve been a big part of every chapter, Daddio! Thanks for all the cool art and I can't wait to see your photo essays on the new blog in the future! And yes, great yakking with you last night!

December 3, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

Thanks for the fun trip!

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGoggla

I'll be getting up early on Dec. 10th in anticipation.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJason

Looking forward to the new Peoria blog... but please don't put up a link to that dreadful town anthem...Aaarrggghhh!!
Day shift, huh? just try and go with the flow.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClacky

Peace out, yo!! Can't wait for the NEW blog! XOXOXO

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermeleah rebeccah

Please post a link to your new blog.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMike Hunt

Best of luck.
I guess the age old question will get answered again. "But will it play in Peoria?"

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercsp

how will I find you???????

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGreen Monkey

@Goggla: My pleasure, glad you made the ride and hope to see you at the new blog next Monday!

@Jason: I'm hoping to put the first post up around 11AM, see you there!

@Clacky: Can't wait to see you there! And it turns out, I'm back on nights starting tomorrow, hooray!

@meleah: Peace out and see you next week! XOXO

@Mike Hunt: There'll be a link to it right here next Monday, plus you're on the mailing list. Thanks in advance for the support!

@csp: Thanks! We'll see the answer to that in the next few months!

@GreenMonkey: There'll be a link posted here and you'll be getting an email on Monday announcing it. Hope to see you there!

December 3, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

Can't wait for the new blog, Marty! Keep us all posted, and good job surviving the day shift!

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAsh Pungsnotded

only four...
i thought this was six...

anyway looking forward to the new blog.. maybe it will make me want to get back to mine:)
glad you are happy.

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGidget

@Ash Pungsnotded: You're on my mailing list, so you'll be alerted next week, look forward to seeing you over there!

@Gidget: Maybe you're counting MySpace and facebook! You'll get back to yours when the time is right, don't worry! xoxoxo

December 3, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

Every trip must end ... at least this was a good one :)

Can't wait to see what Peoria's Favorite Son has in store for us!

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterwendyvee

@AL - Ledbetters is just down the street to the right of the Horse You Came In On.

It was good to get down to Fells Point again.

@Marty - I hope your move and new job are going well.

December 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerry

what a long, strange and fun trip that was! thanks for the ride captain! lol! can't wait for the start of the next one all aboard! lol!!

December 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBobby D.

@wendyvee: Glad you enjoyed the trip and I'm anxious to see what the new blog brings myself!

@Terry: Thanks, so far, so good! You're looking good wearing the 365 colors!

@Bobby D: You're welcome, thank you for riding along! Glad you're coming along on the next trip!

December 4, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

I've never before looked forward to a Monday as much as I look forward to Monday Dec. 10!

December 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKatrink

Me and Terry want to see you sample some of the midwest beers .... Old Style, Hamm's, Blatz, etc.

December 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGENE

Monday Monday, so good to me, Monday Monday it was all I hoped it could be. Oh Monday morning, you gave me no warning of what was to beeeeeeeee, but Monday morning Oh Monday morning....... Looking forward to seeing you on the 10th, Marty !!! Oh Monday Monday how could you leave and not take me ?

December 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKat

@Katrink: Thank you so much, great to know you'll be there for the debut of the new blog, I'm starting to get nervous about it!

@GENE: Sounds like a good idea for a post!

@Kat: Ha ha ha! Tuesday, Tuesday...glad you're going to be there on the 10th!

December 5, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

I STILL think "Fuckin' With Marty" would have been a good idea!

Sure, you might have caught the clap from one of the strippers.......then gotten so depressed that you woulda started shootin' smack ..........then the crack pipe.........then busted for pushin' dope........and became a fellow prisoner's boyfriend......but AT LEAST you'd STILL be in NYC !

OK, sober second thought, MAYBE not a good idea :+)

And NOW 'yer in the Paris of the it's BON TON ROULETTE !!!

See 'ya next week.....SIP AHOY!

December 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDrBOP

@DrBOP: The best laid plans of mice and men...Sneeze ya next week, pardner! SIP AHOY!

December 5, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

i was thinking of the motherfucker page
plus the four main ones.
plus im blonde

December 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGidget

@Gidget: Ha, I forgot about that one! I think I need to dye my hair blonde!

December 5, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

Hey Marty -- For nostalgia purposes, I did some "further reading" and clicked on the 365 bar, then jumped to a random review, and oddly enough it was one my friend JT owns, "The Hairy Monk", which I was in last Wednesday. When I got there the entire staff was hanging out, which I thought was weird. They all went into the office for a meeting and about 15 mins later came out looking pretty bad, some crying. My friend came out a little later and told me he had to tell everyone the bar was shutting as of that night. The landlord dicked him around and sold the lease to someone else and then told him he could stay for 3 more months, provided he gave them the rights to the bar name and all the furniture, to which my buddy told him to fuck off. Sucks to lay off your staff right before the holidays. He owns 3 other bars in the city, so hopefully he can get them some work there. Anyways, sorry for the depressing post! Best of luck with the new blogaroonie. I'll be in attendance for the big red carpet, ribbon cutting grand opening ceremony!!

December 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSpike

@Spike: Wow, sorry to hear about The Hairy Monk closing! Best of luck to your friend and the staff there. Glad to hear you'll be checking in next Monday, I'm starting to get nervous about it!

December 6, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

Marty - wasn't "There She Goes" written about....Lady Gaga??

December 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJAZ

@JAZ: Ha ha ha! I don't think the Gaga was born when that song came out! Hope to see you at the new blog next week!

December 6, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

Looking forward to the new blog. I feel like I have absolutely no idea what the hell is going on in Peoria, I'm flying blind here. Hurry up!

December 8, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteranonymous271

@anonymous271: Welcome to the club, I've been flying blind my whole life! Look forward to seeing you at the new place!

December 8, 2012 | Registered CommenterTripping With Marty

Un trabajo excepcional el que se realiza constantemente en este blog

September 30, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterAgencia SEO Madrid

Me gusta mucho tu página en general y este artículo en particular me ha encantado, siento que le dedicas mucho tiempo y que disfrutas lo que haces. mucha suerte!!!

October 19, 2020 | Unregistered Commentercerrajero Nijar

Me parece un artículo súper interesante, además de estar super bien redactado y quedarme todo super claro.

Me gusta mucho tu página en general y este artículo en particular me ha encantado, siento que le dedicas mucho tiempo y que disfrutas lo que haces. mucha suerte!!!

La verdad es que la información es buena y amena, su fácil comprensión me ha atrapado desde el primer momento y ha conseguido que me informe de lo que quería saber. Se nota que estás encantado con lo que haces. =)

December 2, 2020 | Unregistered CommenterRegalos adicionales

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