It Was A Tasty Burger!
This was tonight's cheeseburger and it was great! Plus the place I got it at is a classic bar and it's out of Manhattan! Yes, I traveled to another borough to sample a cheeseburger and it was worth the trip. check it out tomorrow, the post will be up between 11 AM and 12 PM.
Pulp Fiction,
Saturday Night Cheeseburger Posted on
Saturday, February 11, 2012 at 8:39PM

Reader Comments (16)
I don't see any beer sitting near that plate :(
God damned cliff hangers.
@GENE: Lots of beer, it was at a classic bar in Queens, a great place!
@onemorefoldedsunset: Cue the zither music!
@csp: I've always thought that Cliff Hanger would be a great porn name!
I do try not to spend much time reading in the suspense genre.
Thomas Perry
@rr: You do have a knack with the quotes! Thank you sir!
Did you pay for that burger with your Bad Mother Fucker wallet?
@Danny the Freelancer: You know that I did! It's a bad-ass Mother Fucker wallet!
Has anyone ever determined that the Big Kahuna Burger shop alluded to in the movie actually exists? If it does you could do a road trip version of Cheeseburger Saturday Night if you are ever in Los Angeles.
@DaveW: I found this place in Maui, but I need to save up a little to get there for Saturday Night Cheeseburger!
That. my friend, is too fuckin' cool. In the words of Samuel L. Jackson from later in the same movie "A little personality goes a long way."
@DaveW: I agree, someday I have to get a burger at that place!
I had a really fantastic cheeseburger last night too! It was chicken burger though, does that count?
@Isabella: Chicken burgers count, for sure! And glad your comments are coming through again!
Those fries are darned near as thick as the burger! And vicey versey!
@Biff: They were steak fries with a thyroid condition!