The Bar At The Warwick Hotel
Okay, today is “Casual Free Food Friday," but today it’s not so much about free food and more about a visit to an iconic hotel and the bar within—The Warwick Hotel. The hotel was built in 1926 and actor Cary Grant lived in this hotel for 12 years and some celebrities that stayed here regularly back in the day were, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor, Elvis Presley and The Beatles, who had a famous “junior” press conference here in 1966 before their second and last time playing Shea Stadium. The Rolling Stones and lots of the bands that played on The Ed Sullivan Show stayed at this hotel through the years. I’ve stopped in the bar here before and the bartenders are always nice people with some good stories. It’s a classic, nice dark, cozy hotel bar. And there’s always a decent snack mix available on the bar for free, and who knows, I might even spring some cash for a snack at the bar. We’ll never know till we go!
Here it is, the majestic Warwick Hotel. It kind of looks like you've stepped back in time while looking at this classic NYC hotel.
Here's a section of the front lobby.
There's photos on the walls of some of the famous people that stayed or lived at the hotel in the past. This is actress Marion Davies who was the mistress of William Randolph Hearst who built the hotel in 1926. Hearst set her up with a floor on the hotel. Times sure have changed, back then if you were rich and famous you built a hotel to house a mistress in, these days you get a hooker and destroy a room in a hotel. Progress?
Here's a shot of a young Liz Taylor who was a regular at the hotel in the '60's and '70's.
Here's the aforementioned Cary Grant with actress Natalie Wood Audrey Hepburn.
And here's the Beatles who stayed here whenever they played on TV shows in New York or at Shea Stadium.
And here's the main attraction, at least for me, the bar at the Warwick Hotel.
The bar itself is small and highly polished wood and seats about twelve people.
I found a seat at the end of the bar and here's Jack the bartender with an ice cold bottle of Budweiser. Jack's been a bartender here for 13 years. We talked about the history of the hotel and some of the famous people that have stayed and lived here. Jack told me that gangster Meyer Lanksy lived in the hotel and that Paul McCartney has an apartment down the street and frequently comes in to the bar to have a margarita when he's in town. He said that the roof scene from the Seinfeld/Jay Leno Superbowl commercial was filmed on the roof of the hotel. Jack told me that Seinfeld, who lives nearby, stops in the bar occasionally as well.
Here's a newspaper clipping that Jack keeps behind the bar of Elvis walking into the Warwick back in 1956. It seems Elvis wasn't fond of New York and that he felt rejected in the big city. I know that feeling, I've amassed a whole stack of rejection letters through my years here!
And, as promised, free snacks at the bar! it's the classic triple bowl, pretzel, cracker, nut, wasabi thingy presentation. I wonder why the DOH allows this at bars, yet bans the cheese bowls at Sardi's? It doesn't make sense, but what the hell, I'm going to enjoy the free snacks before these get taken away!
Here's the spot I staked out at the bar.
Everyone is texting away at the bar...
Meanwhile, my notes are taken the old-school way, on a cocktail napkin.
Check out this jackass, he's got his iPad and iPhone going at the same time. iHate him.
And a final long shot of the Warwick Hotel Bar.
I found some vintage photos online of the Warwick Hotel. Here's one of Elvis in his suite at the Warwick, reading fan mail.
This is a photo from 1965 of Beatles fans rushing the hotel when they were staying there.
Here's the Beatles, safely inside their suite at the Warwick, being interviewed by Cousin Brucie.
And here they are at their final press conference at the Warwick Hotel in 1966. Soon after they would sprout moustaches, become psychedelisized and morph into Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heats Club Band a year later.
The Warwick Hotel
65 W. 54th St. (Near 6th Ave.)
Further reading: WABC, Famous Addresses (Last item down) and Beatles Interviews.

Reader Comments (45)
Whatever happened to conversation? Even the people at the lobby are staring at their iZombie. What's the point of getting dressed up in Oxford shirt or suit, even if they're just coming back from wherever important meeting or engagement. If I'm just going to stare at my iWhatever and drink, I could've just stayed home or in my hotel room. One could do this in pajamas, underwear, or naked and just order room service. It's just a shame that people won't engage more with other people, esp. at a classic New York joint like The Warwick Hotel. I'm sure everyone has a story to tell, esp. the old-timers. #igiveup
Hey, that's Audrey Hepburn in the photo with Cary Grant, not Natalie Wood! I agree with equared - what's the point of drinking in a bar if you're going to ignore everyone around you? F**ing pod people. And to think when cell phones first started taking over I thought they'd be a short-lived fad. Now everyone brags - BRAGS - about how lost they'd be without their i-whatevers.
Keep on keepin' it real, Marty! We the Luddites salute you!
I was there when the Beatles were in town in 1965 but I was after a girl who didn't give me me anything not even a feel just screaming and crying for the Fab Four outside the horl. I think that's where my dislike of them comes from though I did and do like Sgt Peppers album a lot.
@esquared: iHear you loud and clear! The only one who wasn't texting at the bar was Jack the bartender! At least I was able to have a good conversation with him. I wish bars would ban all texting devices and the iCrap!
@Katrink: Thanks, I just corrected the mistake! And I fully agree with you as well, the art of socializing and conversing with strangers is getting to be a lost art I'm afraid.
@Mykola Mick Dementiuk: Sorry to hear that the Fabs screwed up a night for you! At least they somewhat made up for it by recording Sgt. Pepper's!
The Warwick probably tosses the "used" snacks before every refill. Sardi's probably lumped new cheese on top of the old. Of course, no one uses their fingers to spread cheese on crackers and everybody uses their fingers to scoop snicky-snacks out of the bowl. When was the last time YOU used a cheese knife to wipe YOUR ass? Carry on.
I don't think I could afford to drink here !
Love the old school note taking.Glad you haven't succumbed to the ipad invasion.Shame that's all people seem to do these days.Least you got some good stories from the bar man.The art of conversation isn't dead yet!
@Biff: "When was the last time YOU used a cheese knife to wipe YOUR ass?" Ha ha ha! You still gots it, Bifferoonie!
@GENE: Sure you could, you just eat the bar snacks for dinner! That's what I did, Jack refilled my containers three times (well, just the peanut and pretzel bowls, those wasabi things are hotter than hell, can't eat too many of those.)
@Alan Simpson: Thanks, glad you're a fan of cocktail note taking too! Jack had some great stories and it was fun talking with him. Like esquared said, why do people go to a bar to text, they could just sit in their rooms and do that?
Love this place. Always has been great!! woo woo for real!!
This visit just screamed for access to a time machine!
What a wonderful historic and iconic location you have choosen for us today Marty.
I sure like the looks of the bar and the bartender looked so friendly. Love the old school note taking and thank you for sharing the photos with us. Cary Grant is truly one of my very favorite actors.
Have a great weekend everyone.
I bet that if you asked all of the pod people why they didn't just stay in their rooms, get liquored and play on their pods, they'd tell you that they like the social interaction of sitting at the bar.
As an aside, I love Sardi's because everytime i'm in there I always have a great conversation with someone I have never met before, even if I'm not tripping on mescaline with Anthony Perkins, Bob Fosse and Buddy Hackett.
Where you drinking this weekend?
@Melanie: It's a classic NYC place for sure! And a woo woo to you you!
@roadsidewonders: I hear you! When you build it let me know and we'll go back to 1965!
@Tiki Bar Susie: So glad you enjoyed this trip! I stop in here at least twice a year and take a look around. And you have a great weekend as well!
@randall: Sadly, you're probably right about the pod people! And I agree with you about Sardi's, always good conversation and characters at that bar. As far as this weekend, I'm not totally sure yet, but send me an email if you'd like to join me sometime and we'll set up a time! I'll buy the first round, unless I'm broke by then!
Great OldSchool Hotel Marty, I love the Iroquois & the The Algonquin Hotel's bar as well. It seems these days that people just sit at the bar staring at their phones or checking out their friends on Facebook. I'm on Facebook, but I do that shit at home , not when I go out. I was at Charrito's Mexican restaurant in Weehawken with my girlfriend last week. We were so amazed to see all of the faces in the dark, lit up by tiny Blue screens. The couple to the left of us were both texting & reading shit on their phones. They didn't say a Fucking word to each other until the food came, & then it was Oooo that looks good, Eat, eat , eat, drink, drink, swallow, wipe mouth with napkin & pick up the fucking phone again & wait until check arrives. That's why I love going on Vacation to very out of the way places, like Belize, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico, ( Not Fucking Yuppie Big Hotel Cancun) & Stay at small rustic places with no WIFI & great run down bars & actually have great conversations with Europeans, South Americans & Locals.
The Trifecta of Snacks!
A great slice of history.
(and about as old school as Elvis' fucking socks)
@GENE: He stayed at the Hilton the year before. Maybe they don’t have free bar snacks so he switched hotels.
@Danny the Freelancer: I'll check out the Iroquois and the The Algonquin Hotel bars in the future, I've never been to either one! I hear you about the sea of blue faces, people are becoming social retards these days! You do go on some wild vacations! I remember seeing some of your photos!
@"Boris:" Thanks, Daddio! Hey, I didn't notice Elvis' socks until your comment, about as old school as socks can get! Nice catch!
The Warwick Hotel is a New York Classic!
"And, as promised, free snacks at the bar! it's the classic triple bowl, pretzel, cracker, nut, wasabi thingy presentation. I wonder why the DOH allows this at bars, yet bans the cheese bowls at Sardi's?"
There’s no justice in this world, Marty <sigh>
Here's a newspaper clipping that Jack keeps behind the bar of Elvis walking into the Warwick back in 1956. It seems Elvis wasn't fond of New York and that he felt rejected in the big city.
I’m led to believe from several sources: Elvis was an attention whore, and didn’t like the lack of attention from indifferent New Yorkers. If I saw him on the street I probably would have smiled, but that’s about it. You know it’s not like he’s Arthur "Big Boy" Crudup, Ivory Joe Hunter Big Joe Turner or Big Mama Thorton, to name but a few, and all of whom I would have tried to talk to, as they were the true innovators.
In 1974 Miles Davis was playing at Carnegie Hall (it was recorded and released as Dark Magus), and on his contract’s hospitality rider, he penciled in: “And a suite at The Warwick Hotel” which he got. The funny thing about this was he had a townhouse on West 78th street!
@esquared: Agreed! I’ve had several near accidents on my boat while fishing; each and every time, it’s because some Asshat is texting.
@TWM ..... that's funny since that Hilton is connected to: Church of the Covenant
Damn uneditable links !
Good choice, Marty. I've always liked Randolph's. My celebrity encounter there: I once sat next to Vincent Schiavelli, one of my all-time favorite character actors....
@Martin: No justice at all! You're probably right about Elvis and I love that Miles Davies story! He must've loved free snacks too!
@GENE: Too funny!
@EV Grieve: Nice celebrity encounter! One of my favorites as well, loved him Cuckoo's Nest, Fast Times at Ridgemont High and everything in between! I'll look for him next time!
I don't know about ipads or texting or any of these things people do to avoid conversation. Never sent a text message in my life, I think I will survive without all this. Jack the bartender, now that's a classy guy, a real bartender for a change, not a mixologist, whatever that means. Well, Randolph's is beautiful with that thick wood bar and old school appeal. I write notes on napkins as well. McCartney also goes to Bull and Bear over at the Waldorf, when in town, didn't know he likes margaritas, all the Beatles drank scotch with coke for years.
P.S. @esquared: #uriRonyisnotlostonme
@Biff: Well played, Sir!
One more thing...
An idea for this Sunday is to watch the Oscars (not Meyers or Madison) but the academy awards at any of these joints, if you're into the kinda thing. #iMightjoinyou
@Martin If I were going fishing, I'd be escaping the texting and all that technology. Maybe they were trying to figure out if there was an app on to tell them where the fish are.
@biff iWasn'ttryingtobeironic but thanks(?), nonetheless...
Very cool history to go along with that place! I love that Paul McCartney goes in and grabs a margarita - for some reason that drink for him seems funny to me. I love margaritas too though - except George was my favorite Beatle...anyone know what he liked to drink?
@Al: I hear you about texting, when someone sends me a text, I call them back and tell them to stop it! Randolph's is definitely an Al bar for sure! And Jack is a classic bartender and a real nice guy. Able to keep everyone's drink filled and carry on a nice conversation as well.
@Martin: Just a quick note, Biff's not a sir, she's a madam...wait...that doesn't sound right...well, she's a she! And don't worry, I made the same mistake when I first met Biff on MySpace all those years ago, remember that, Bifferoonie?
@esquared: I'd love to go to Joe's Pub, but I've already got plans on Sunday. One of these nights our schedules will coincide and we'll finally have a few drinks!
@Britta: Knew you'd like the Beatles history of this place! I heard George say that while they were recording The Traveling Wilbury's album they were drinking a lot of Dos Equis beer.
No kidding...well I'm going to have to get some, then! I do love the Traveling Wilburys as well...Handle Me With Care is an awesome song. Cheers!
@Britta: I'm listening to them right now! Cheers!
Cool Place Marty... I went to the old Rays Patio Inn in Peoria a couple of weeks ago and when you sit up at the bar the bartender(MILO) makes you turn your cell phone into him if you are sitting at the bar.... he puts the cell phones from those sitting at the bar into a basket behind the bar and if your phone rings you have to buy everyone seated at the bar a beer... I got two free budweisers in a couple of hours, plus I had some good conversations with the patrons at the bar.
I'm getting tired of the Lemming like quality of technology.
Everyone is proudly displaying the fact that they in essence got a deal on a soon to be dated gizmo which entailed them signing on to an overly expensive two year (worsening) contract.
"Yeah, I got fleeced, but look at this shiny bauble."
Then again, I wanted an iNapkin like you, but all I could afford was the iNap.
@tehennessey: That's a fucking great story and a great thing for a bar to do! We have to go there when I go back for a visit!
@csp: Lemming is the perfect word to describe these people! Sorry you don't have an iNapkin, but you can borrow mine if you like!
Hi Marty. This was one of your best posts ever! I wua there in '65! I was in High School in Manhattan and a bunch of us skipped school and took the subway up to see the Beatles. We actually did get a glimpse of Paul. Of all the NYC bars I've been in over the years it never occurred to me to check out the Warwick. Now it's on my list! Thanks so much for this post and the great pictures.
@Ken K. in NJ: Great to hear from you Ken! Too cool that you were there in '65! I'd have killed to have been there then! When you get to the city, let me know and we'll knock back a few at the Warwick!
Great work Marty! My favorite was the part about Elvis. What a interesting hotel. Bobby Williams.
@Bobby Williams: Thanks Bobby! The hotel has quite a history behind it!
Marty, you're doing a good job no matter what they say about you;)! Another fascinating New York story. The art of good conversation is in danger or nearly dead because of the itech gadgets. People can't smoke anymore at bars so they fiddle with the fucking phone. Oy, with the phones.
@Martin Miles probably stayed at The Warwick because Cicely Tyson was at his apartment. I highly recommend reading "Miles", his autobiography, and you will understand why. The book is a hoot, filled with lots of cursing and great stories, not to mention his insights into music and his struggle with the daemon.
@Marco: Thank you, sir! And your smoking theory is a good one. I'd much rather be inhaling second-hand smoke than watching the iPhonefucks!
Once again, Marty, a touch of class. Interesting that the bar is that small. Around 1926, when the hotel was built, there was a bar on every corner so it's inclusion in the hotel was probably more of an afterthought just to give patrons the chance for a nightcap before turning in.
Liked the bit about Elvis not getting a lot of attention in NYC. He didn't play MSG until relatively late in his career, I think it was '72.
@DaveW: Interesting thought about the size of the bar! I think you're right about Elvis playing MSG in 1972.
Anything to do with the Beatles I love it. Good post.
@legitimate beef: I agree and glad you liked the post!
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The Bar At The Warwick Hotel was very stylish because I stayed one night at this hotel.