Obscura Antiques and Oddities, Academy Records and El Quijote. A Sunday Trifecta!
A while back, TWM in house artist, “Boris” mentioned a show he had seen on the Discovery channel called, “Oddities,” which is a show based upon a local business here in New York called Obscura Antiques and Oddities. EV Grieve recently reported that they’ve opened up at a new location in the East Village, so I thought it’s the perfect time to take a look at this unique shop and maybe even purchase a slice of an obscurian oddity.
Here's the front window of the shop. I was hoping the owners who appear on the show would be inside and I could talk to them and get some photos. When I went in, I didn't see them, but the place is filled with cool and unusual items. I asked a fellow who was working the floor if I could take photos and he said you can't take photos in the shop. He was nice and thanked me for asking, but it was a let-down. I'm not going to give up on this, and I hope to get some photos in the future. Maybe if I call and can talk to one of the owners. But now I have to think of something else to do for today's post. Time to improvise!
About once a year I go through my cd'sa and DVD's and pick out ones I don't listen to or DVD's I don't watch and I sell them at a nearby record store. So I thought we could do that and then take the proceeds and buy a Sunday dinner later tonight.
And here's the stack of cd's, DVD's and the Beatles anthology on VHS tapes. My VHS tape player broke over a year ago, so I thought I'd try to unload this while I can.
And we're all bagged up and ready to go.
And here we are at Academy Records on 18th Street, just two blocks from where I live. The sell all used records and have been on the block for decades. Spin magazine's offices used to be right next door.
And speaking of Spin, check out what's in the window, "Spin and Marty." Too funny! Okay, let's go in and sell out.
The staff is really friendly in here, Richard told me to feel free to take photos while he checked out my bag of discs.
Collectible albums hang on the wall near the front window.
The store is long and narrow and there's a good crowd in here today, which is nice to see.
There's lots of vinyl in here, let's take a look at what's here.
They have a wide range of music in here, everything from the Germs...
To a rare early Johnny Cash album.
There's even albums on the floor to flip through.
There's also a huge selection of CD's available and they're really inexpensive. Here's the Velvet Underground Live at Max's for $3.99!
I remember staring at this Roxy Music cover as a kid! Okay, let's go see if they've tallied up what my bag of used music and DVD's is worth.
And here's Scott with the petty cash receipt. I didn't get a king's ransom, but it was enough for a nice Sunday dinner. They didn't want the Beatles Anthology though. Looks like I'll have to sell that on eBay!
And through the magic of the internet, it's Sunday night and several beers later and here we are at the El Quijote restaurant on 23rd Street. The El Quijote has been here next to the Chelsea Hotel since 1930 and it's a classic Chelsea spot.
Let's go through the doors and let Sunday dinner begin!
I like to sit at the front bar and eat and there's plenty of spots to sit at tonight.
And here's Santiago, the bartender pouring the first beer of the evening. Well, I had a few at home, but this is the first in the El Quijote. Cheers!
The back of the bar is lit up with bottles and a light blue, El Quijote glass etching.
Vintage lamps hang over the bar and illuminate it.
There's a dining room opposite the bar with booths and tables to dine at.
And here's the dining area in the back of the restaurant. Love the black and white checkered floor.
And when I return to the bar the table is set! Sunday dinner is about to happen!
For an appetizer I got the filet tips and peppers. I can't believe this is an appetizer, it's big enough to be the main course! Really spicy and delicious!
Since I had a meaty appetizer, I got a vegetarian dish for the main course, pasta primavera. It was very tasty and this too was a huge portion, I ate half of it and got the rest to go. Tonight's Sunday dinner is tomorrow's lunch!
And it's back into the night we go, and yes I'm still obsessing over getting photos at Obscura Antiques and Oddities! One of these days, I promise!
Obscura Antiques and Oddities
207 Ave A (Near 13th St.)
Academy Records
12 W. 18th St. (Near Fifth Ave.)
El Quixote
226 W. 23rd St. (Near Seventh Ave.)
Further Reading: WNYC, New York Magazine and NY Post.
Lazy Sunday afternoon,
I've got no mind to worry.
Surprise link, click on it...I dare you!
Bonus Photo From Al!
TWM commenter, Al sent in a photo of his basement bar in Miami. Here's what he has to say about it: "Behind the bar is my matchbook collections and the bottles on a tier, below are all the glassware. A small version of a New York bar circa 1962, though with the blinds closed it really looks dark, like a real dive."
Looks great, Al! It's my ambition to have a few drinks with you there one day! Thanks for sending in the photo!
Bonus Website and Book Linkage!I recently met Kevin Walsh who does a really cool website called, Forgotten New York. Kevin started it way back in 1999 and it's a site devoted to, "calling attention to the artifacts of a long-gone New York." Check it out by clicking right here: Forgotten New York. And for those of you who still enjoy printed matter, Kevin has a Forgotten New York book, that's really great for anyone interested in New York's architecture and history, here's a link to the book: Forgotten New York, the book.

Reader Comments (23)
I'll never understand why a business wouldn't want someone to take photos inside ? I'd guess the owners would have no problems -- but Mr. Floor Guy must have something to hide - and didn't want his mug on the internet.
Cool photo of Al & his bar -- very nice to see !
i'm not watching that oddities show till they let you take pictures in there! lets start a twm boycott!! lol! sunday dinner looked delicious and the place does look like a classic ny spot! i love als bar too, you need to go there! great post today way to go the extra mile after getting shot down in the beginning!
At least you got enough for a dinner. At a lot of those record places you get a repeat performance of the Seinfeld episode where Kramer and Newman try to sell the old guy's records.
Roxy Music and Bryan Ferry were just slightly before my time, otherwise I would have definitely bought that album for the cover alone.
Marty, I can't believe they wouldn't let you take pic's at Obscura . I love that show Oddities, some of those people collect some real creepy shit. Try to get in with the owners, it would be a great piece. Tell them you have Sid Vicious's mummified finger.
El Quijote is the Chelsea Hotel's official Bar. When I was living on 26th St, in 1986 we used to stop in & hang at the bar. A very cool & unusual crowd would hang out there, artist's, musician's, writers & complete fucking nut-jobs from the Chelsea upstairs. I had no idea how some of them paid their rent.
Look's like you stuffed yourself pretty good, I love having leftovers for lunch the next day.
I have that Roxy Music album around here somewhere and used to stare at it also. I have that Beatles anthology on DVD, and the same Sinatra Reprise hits CD. "Music for hangovers" looks interesting. Quijote bar is beautiful with the light blue behind the bottles. Your appetizer and pasta looked like a great meal, and this place is at the Chelsea, is the hotel open now?
love the idea of recycling music and dvd's. I didn't know you eat green things! (or did you just play with your broccoli?)
@GENE: I never understand the no photos rule either, but it turned out to be a nice day and evening in spite of that roadblock in the beginning. I will try again! I'm going to try and call the owners and see what they say.
@Bobby D: I'd love to go to Al's bar and hope to make it there one day!
@DaveW: Ha! I forgot about that Seinfeld episode! It took place at Bleecker Bob's! I'll have to look for it online. I was never into Roxy Music, but stared at that album cover a lot in my teen years!
@Danny the Freelancer: I'll have to try the mummified finger line, maybe I'll go back over to the Chelsea Hotel and look for it! El Quijote is a great place and there's always an eclectic crowd in there and the food is great!
@Al: "Music for Hangovers: is a series of Cheap Trick concerts from Chicago, a great DVD, but I've watched it a ton and decided to trade it in. El Quijote is a great bar, almost as cool as yours! Thanks for sending in the photo! I hope to make it there someday!
@Green Monkey: Ha ha ha! Yes, I do eat green things! On the nights I don't go out to eat for the blog, I always get the "big salad" from the corner deli.
I wouldn't start any trouble at Al's with that bartender in there.
Roxy music is great. (Eno, Ferry, how could you go wrong?) I'm "too young" for when that album came out, and I've stared at it a long time as well.
Please tell me that you digitally backed up the stuff you sold. At least the cds. If you didn't I swear I'll reach right through the internet and break your Google.
Peppersn'tips, peppersn'tips. (rowf rowf) feed this dawg some peppersn'tips...picture those peppers and tips on a toasted submarine sandwich roll with lots of mozzerella and provelone cheese melted on it and you've got the best pepper cheesesteak sandwich ever made. I used to order it delivered from this wonderful sub shop in the dinkytown neighborhood by the University of Minnesota called 'Jersey Joes' every Saturday Night in the late seventies and settle down to watch the original cast of Saturday Night Live on TV. I almost cried when Jersey Joes went out of buisiness...my God, those were the days....
@csp: I wouldn't fool around at Al's either, it looks like he means business in that picture! I think you know me well enough to know the answer to your digital question, but the answer is...no! It's all available on the internet, so why bother?
@Jaws: Boy that sandwich sounds good, I may try and recreate that at home some night.
@TWM: I think you know me well enough that I have to do this.
Had a sort of similar experience at the Gold & Silver Pawn Shop in Las Vegas. None of the Pawn Stars was in attendance, but they do allow photos! I'm a huge fan of forgotten-ny.com - when we first got internet access at my job it was my favorite place to waste time when I could. Now I have so many choices!
Hey Jaws the Cabbie - I went to the U of MN Twin Cities in the early 80's! Hated that you couldn't get real beer anywhere on campus, especially after partying in Madison WI with my two older sisters for years prior.
Oh, how I love Roxy Music! Although, they just sold one of their songs to appear on some commercial and that always sort of rubs me the wrong way. Not that I wouldn't do it! Times is tough, you dig? Anyhoo, your dinner looked fantastic and I liked the record store too. Maybe Obscura has some exclusivity thingamabob with Discovery that precludes them from allowing photos? Or, in keeping with their doodads, they want to remain mysteeeeeeerious. Although then why would they have the show? Hmmm...nevermind.
@csp: Ha ha ha! That was great, but now that you broke my Google, it may be the end of the surprise link here!
@Katrink: Very cool that you're a FNY reader! I just met Kevin and he's a great guy, love his site! I wonder if you and Jaws were ever in the same bar together!
@Biff: I could never get into Roxy Music, I may check them out on YouTube later tonight. Maybe there is something about Discovery and the camera thing. I'm going to call in a day or two and try to talk to one of the owners. And I loved Nevermind too, great ablum!
El Quijote used to make one mean margarita. Two and you were on your ass. Used to love Casanova on that Roxy Music album (Country Life?? I am old).
Loved Roxy Music, but they were best with Brian Eno. The first album was brilliant (Ladytron!) but after Eno they became over-lounge-lizardy & not so musically creative. Saw them live several times, & a friend & I ran into Ferry in Earl's Court once. We were about 14 & very impressed.
Forgotten New York is a really fine site. I'm a huge fan. Kevin does the best neighborhood walks/visits, in a very informed, non-bullshitty-pretentious way. I've learned so much from his work, & often go to neighborhoods he writes about. Fantastic stuff!
Nice spot for a dinner, Marty!
@Wendy Lou Who: I've never had a margarita there. Next time I'll have three in your honor!
@onemorefoldedsunset: Cool that you're a FNY fan, Kevin does a great job. His book is really good too, check it out if you get a chance. And yes, a wonderful place for dinner!
I have about 1000 CDs in my "collection", ("piles" is more like what it is actually). Probably 500 of them were bought at Academy Music when I worked in the area back in the 90's. Still get back there once in a while, and though I hardly ever buy CDs anymore, I sill always wind up getting a few there every time. Best music store in the city, IMHO.
@Ken K. in NJ: I agree, it's a great music store and you can buy online too!
Great post. Obscura probably doesn't want you 'scooping' them before they tape the shows.
It was just an idea. You did your own 'Obscura' last week in one of your best columns ever.
I'm happy as hell in any record store.
@"Boris": I'm not throwing the towel in yet, still going to try and call the owners up. Thanks for the compliment on last week's column, Daddio!
Wow three great places and the food looked great too!
I have watched Oddities on tv before, it is quite an interesting program.
@Tiki Bar Susie: It was a great Sunday, very cool that you've seen Oddities!