Joey Ramone
This Saturday is the annual Joey Ramone Birthday Bash. I’ve attended this festive concert and party for the last three years and I’m going again this year. Look for photos and a post of it this Monday. In the meantime, here’s some Joey Ramone videos I’ve plucked from YouTube for your enjoyment.
There’s a new Jeoy Ramone CD coming out soon called “...ya know?” It’s a posthumous collection of demos and unreleased tunes recorded over the last 15 years of his life. Some of the guest musicians on the CD include Bun E. Carlos, Joan Jett, Richie Ramone and Steven Van Zandt. This is the first single from the album, “Rock and Roll is the Answer.”
Here’s Joey talking about punk rock legend, Iggy Pop and how he was an inspiration to his life and music. Joey Ramone covered the Iggy Pop and The Stooges song, 1969 on the tribute album to Iggy Pop called, “We Will Fall.”
Joey Ramone’s brother, Mickey Leigh wrote a book about being Joey Ramone’s brother called, “I Slept With Joey Ramone.” It was published in 2009. In this clip, Mickey and co-author Legs McNeil discuss, Joey and the book.
A clip from an old Geraldo show, where of course he gets everything wrong. The theme of the show is called, “Heavy Metal Moms” and features Joey and his mom Charolette Lesher. The Ramones were hardly a heavy metal band and watch where Geraldo refers to The Ramones as brothers, he didn’t even know that they weren’t related. Geraldo Rivera, the man who forever puts the less back in clueless.
Here’s another vintage television clip, The Ramones on the Tomorrow Show back in the ‘80’s, but they got stuck being interviewed by some bubble-headed ditz instead of Tom Snyder. I love it when Joey tells her he’s disappointed that they’re not being interviewed by Tom Snyder.
Another song off the new CD, Going Nowhere Fast. The Joey Ramone Birthday Bash is this Saturday night at Webster Hall, doors open at 7PM, be there or be nowhere! Pictures and post of it will be up this Monday at TWM!
Further Reading: KNAC, Rock NYC and songkick.
Surprise link, click on it...I dare you!
Bonus Photo From sessone!TWM reader sessone was recently on a bender trip to New Orleans and sent in this photo of a bar that I definitely need to visit if I ever get to that fair city. Thanks and cheers to sessone for sending this in!

Reader Comments (16)
I was a gyro seller at Lollapalooza in 1996-97 (not sure of those dates) but the Ramones played with Metallica that summer. I saw them every night they played across the USA, except in Arizona when the Ramones were knocked by a wind storm, was the weirdest things I ever heard, Rock n Roll High School interrupted by silence as they got their power knocked out. Couldn't sell any gyros too haha! But stayed with Lollapalooza till California, wow, was I beat after that, whew! That summer was a very good year.
wow ... early morning posts ! .... what is the world coming to !!!
Jeffry Ross Hyman was born on May 19th -- I was hatched on May 20th ----- I should make it a tradition to start going to this show ...
I kinda missed the whole punk rock era,,,I don't know why. I can appreciate the music because it takes balls to do what the Ramones and other punk rockers did, and the songs were fast and usually two minutes. Iggy Pop,,,now this guy, since he lives down here, I'm still trying to get that picture to send to you as I know the outdoor cafe's where he hangs out. He sits outside because he takes his dog out to lunch with him,,,,he is a nice guy and approachable, not like his onstage persona at all.
Great post today Marty, I love Joey's Mom in that Geraldo clip. My Mom used to let my band blow the basement apart as well.
I remember talking to Joey Ramone about Louie Armstrong & recording what a wonderful world. He was a walking music encyclopedia .
I was playing at Continental with Chewy opening for Sylvain Sylvain & the Ugly Americans. We were downstairs in the private bar/ dressing room area & Joey walked in & sat down. He lived right accross the street then & came into Continental a lot.
My Ramones world view is sort of skewed because I saw "Rock-n-Roll High School" when I was very young.
To this day I'm not sure if Joey would be happy about that, but I'm sure it would make him laugh.
The Geraldo Rivera clip made me flash back to a time during the first gulf war, where Geraldo Rivera was running around the battle zone bugging our troops with his fucking microphone on a tv special on the 'Crisis in the Gulf'. Our boys were in the middle of a firefight and had other more pressing issues at hand than having to deal with Geraldo and his stupid questions. At one point, Geraldo, visibly nervous and keyed up said; "Boy, I sure hope I don't get shot...". I was in my best friend's living room at the time and we were half past shitfaced on beer, and we were both bouncing up and down on the couch, waving our fists in the air and screaming; " SHOOT HIM! SHOOT HIM! HE'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, DAMMIT!" I believe I quoted Peter Sellers from the movie 'Dr. Strangelove' as I threw my half empty beer can at the television and yelled at the top of my lungs; "SHOOT...with the GUN! T'HAT'S what the BULLETS are for...YA TWIT!"
God, I hate that man...
Gotta love Joey! Been out of town.....How is the job scene going? Cheers Wombowski!
Peace Within Joey.
The first time the Ramones ever played Chicago, we put on the show.
It has a myriad of good stories related to it.
So grateful I had a chance to be a part of that and survived and lived to tell.
Don't work too hard!
@Mykola Mick Dementiuk: That must've been a wild summer selling gyro's at Lollapalooza, cool you got to see the Ramones there!
@GENE: Your birthday is coming up soon, and TWM readers can have a personal look at it this upcoming Tuesday, stay tuned!
@Al: Surprised you missed the whole punk rock era, it was a highlight of my life. If you could ever get a picture of yourself and Iggy Pop, I would owe you beers forever!
@Danny the freelancer: Glad you liked today's post! And too cool that you knew Joey, it was funny, when I was putting this together, I wondered if you had ever met him in your travels and now we know!
@csp: Rock 'n' Roll High School is such a great movie and the fact you saw it as a youngster makes me feel old!
@Jaws: Great story! I would've loved to have been in the room for that!
@Professor Dungpie: I'm currently freelancing and today it's kicking my ass. I worked twelve hours yesterday and had to commute an hour each way. And then there was the drinking time...ow!
@"Boris:" Too cool you too had a Joey connection! Sorry we missed calls last night, it was a little wild at work and I couldn't take the call. Let's try and yak tonight, Daddio!
We need to Hack a Drone & change it's coordinates to aim for Geraldo Rivera. I would Love to see him go to middle east again & before he could open his mouth, Boom .
His last escapade made it sound like your a Hood if you wear a Hoodie, but Hoodie Nation fought back & made him Look even more stupid then he really is.
Yes I too miss being a Punk, It was a Cool Time in New York City, I'm glad I was a Teenager during the Punk Era.
My Mom never understood the way I dress & called The Punk Music noise, always saying shut that noise off, but I never did & just put it louder. I still remember the blast I had Bombing Up Graffiti Tags at the last day the Mud Club was open. New York City don't have that late night mystic any more.
“16 years and over” Aren’t you 15 years old?:
Geraldo was always worth watching though -usually for all the wrong reasons. Remember his Satanism special? Or how about Al Capone's vault? Or the time he went undercover with a narcotics squad and someone recognized him? You couldn't get better unintentional comedy anywhere else on television back then.
The Ramones were one of the best pure rock 'n roll band around anywhere. Who else could combine Buddy Holly chords, Beach Boys high harmonies, brain damaged lyrics, distorted guitar played just a little bit faster than anyone else, and uncorny/unironic vocals earnestly sung over the top of it all and make it work?
@JHwang: Agreed, Geraldo's a dickwad! I'm glad I was a teen in the era of punk too!
@Duncester: Perfect!
@ DaveW: I agree about Geraldo, he's a clown without even trying! Perfect assessment of the Ramones, I like the way you summed them up in one sentence, nice work!
I'm pretty sure Geraldo's moustache sapped all of his brain power. Just like Alex Trebek's sapped all of his charm.
@glamma: Cool, looking forward to meeting you!
@Biff: Ha ha ha! The negative power of the stache!