Hello Atus
I'm currently working a freelance job that has turned my day into about a 14 hour workday including the commute, so I have to put this blog on hiatus for a couple of weeks. After that two things will have happened, I'll either have a full time job with hours that are not so crazy, or I'll be an unemployed blogger again. Either way, I should be able to start posting here again. I hate doing this, but I feel the posts would start to suck and I don't want that. I will be back, and hope you hang in there with me. Thanks!

Reader Comments (52)
Hope to hear back from you soon.Good luck!
Hello Atus...hello Daddus...how's my precious...little Braddus...
Hang in there, dude!
@GENE: That's how I feel, hopefully things will get better.
@Alan Simpson: I hope to be back soon, thanks!
@Jaws: I'm hanging in there and hoping that this passes quickly!
Looking forward to your return! Hope that all goes well in the interim!
Oh man. I'll miss you - but I'll be here when you get back! xoxo
@Lindsay: Thanks, hopefully the schedule will get manageable and I'll be able to be blogging again soon!
@meleah: Thanks, I appreciate your support!
You may take our Blog. But you will never take our Freelance!
Good luck, Marty.
Although the hours are great, starving artist doesn't pay well. Good luck in the salt mines Martus.
Try to get some rest. I'll see ya on the flip side.
I've already set my time machine for the future. You'll be happy to know that you are writing some epic posts. Can't wait for the rest of you suckers to catch up. See you in a few weeks...I'll be relaxing in the future with a few Bud tall boys and a half eaten Wombacher sandwich and a bag of Ruffles potato chips.
i'll just wait right here until i see another post!
Baby i feel the pain.. I thought i'd be back up by now..I think I'll have better luck when one or all of mine are off at college..
Fuck Time
time wont give me time
maybe if the angels make the days 36 hours we can both be back up soon..
till then baby!
I guess we will have to wait and find out why Joey Ramone's ghost told Marty to put the blog on hiatus.
Good luck Marty! I hope this turns into something great for you.
Every time I refresh the blog and there is no new post I will have a beer in your honor.
I shall make like "The French Lieutenant's Woman" ---- don my black cloak and wait at the end of the pier for your return :)
@Gidget: Thanks, I know you feel my pain too! Time is not on our sides these days!
@Clacky: Thanks, hopefully after a couple weeks, we'll be back at it!
@csp: I know you can feel my pain!
@Jason: Will do, see you on the flip side when I'm not so flipping tired!
@randall: Thanks for the message from the future, nice to know there's hope and Budweiser in my future!
@Professor Dungpie: I envy your retirement right now!
@csp: Damn Joey Ramone's ghost!
@Britta: Thanks, time will tell!
@Spike: Thanks and cheers to your beers!
@roadsidewonders: Thanks, that sounds great to me!
I'll be waiting Marty! Good luck!!
@Peter: Thanks, I appreciate that!
Good luck Daddio. I'll be here when you return.
Don't work to Hard & Drink Beer .
Good Luck with Freelance & I'm sure it will turn Permanent, but since I think I know where your working, The Hours will always be up & down, sometimes normal, sometimes Crazy , it unfortunately comes with the Job ! Well that Job !!!
You Need a Robot to organize & put up your post !
Cheers & Beers, & Again Don't work Too Hard, We All Need A Wombacher Sandwich While We Wait For Your Return.
@"Boris:" Thanks Daddio, hopefully in a few weeks I'll be back in the blogging saddle again!
@JHwang: Yes, you do know where I'm working! If I had a robot I'd send it into work and continue blogging fulltime! Cheers and beers!
I hope all goes well for you Marty. You have spolied us all over that last couple of years with the 365, MAD and now with TWM. We will all wait for you triumphant return.
I think you can tell by the comments that you have a very loyal following. As Chance the gardener said, As long as the roots are not severed, all is well. And all will be well in the garden.
Get a job you damned hippie - no wait, that's what I tell my son. Marty - good luck and hopefully we'll get you back soon.
Come back when you can, take care of yourself first. Stay safe, be cool, get paid ;)
Don't work too hard, unless it is at having fun.
The choice to take a break is a wise choice. Quality Wombacher blog entries are the equivalent of fine wine - once you have had the quality stuff, other blogs are like Nighttrain.
@Terry: Thanks! Looking forward to the triumphant return you speak of!
@Al: I truly appreciate you and everyone who follows and reads this blog. I hope the hiatus is just a couple of weeks.
@Dave-Everywhere: Ha ha ha! I've got a job and that's the problem, hopefully things will settle down in a bit, thanks!
@Mykola Mick Dementiuk: Thank you, sir, I hope to be back soon!
@DaveW: Thanks and I could use a glass or six of Nighttrain about now!
Hope you get through the next couple of weeks OK! Looking forward to the return of TWM ...
OH MAN.....OH JESUS.....this CAN'T be TRUE.......
MARTY"S DEAD MAN ! ! ! ! !
It's ALL over TWITFACE......."Dude who does TWM ending it ALL"........"Trippin' With Marty DEAD!"........"MARTY posts "Am I Pretty' pic and CROAKS!!!".....on and on......
I CAN'T HANDLE THIS!!! .........shit, I'm sheddin' man tears all over the keyboard.......I KNEW I should have flown down for the Joey Ramone clusterfuck........coulda blown at high dough for ONCE.......you el cheapo cheapo'd again knucklehead, and look.......HE'S GONE..........FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK.....
......eh, what?.....say AGAIN........WHAT???..........ohhhh, he's just takin' a hianus until his mind gets used to functioning on about a third of the alcohol it's used to runnin' on per day........yeah, that would screw me up too.......oh, and the fact that he has to actually !WORK! for a living (lovingly said in the manner of Maynard G Crebbs).
It's not the work so much as it is the job, capiche kemo sabi?
For reals kind sir, you could take a couple of months off and you KNOW we be right here clickin' every day to see if our boy made it through the coal mine. Give 'em hell, cap'n!`
Rather a rude awakening to realize I haven't actually been going out every night in NYC..
I miss you!
@onemorefoldedsunset: Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting some semblance of a life back!
@Dr. Bop: "he's just takin' a hianus" Ha ha ha! Nice jabberwocky word play there, Dr! I'm hoping to be back in action around June 15th, maybe earlier. Time wounds all heels and I'm no exception to that rule!
@Lex: Miss you too! And looking forward to seeing you soon! Hey, maybe that'll be the first post when I get back!
we'll be here, Marty! good luck taking care of business!
@glamma: Thanks, these 14 hour workdays are kicking my ass, hopefully I'll be on a regular schedule soon.
Pace yourself boy. Fourteen hour work days will make an old man out of you.Load up on those Wombacher sandwiches for strength,wash down with budweiser for super human strength. Give me a call when you get a minute.
@tehennessey: I'm already an old man, but getting older by the day. Sheesh! I'll call you if I get a day off over the weekend, but that's looking doubtful.
Here's an idea for a terrible book. 294 freelance hours in 21 days.
Write 1 chapter, cut and paste it 20 more times.
Your doing good, even when on hello atus, your still generating, still generating. Remember Buck Barrow, in Bonnie and Clyde? about the cow and spiking the milk with a little brandy,,,the old sick mother,,,"Son, whatever you do, don't sell that cow!" Thats how I feel about all of this,,, I know its a long commute to Jersey, but the apartment in Manhattan is so sweet,,,,as is your blogging,,,,dont sell that cow,,,,hoping for the best for you always.
@csp: Thanks, I'll file that with all the other terrible book ideas I've had!
@Al: Thanks, buddy, I'm thinking I'll be back up and blogging by next week!
Hiatus? Is that in Jersey? Hope you're back soon. Good luck. You know, when Johnny was on break, he got guest hosts. Maybe a Leno or a Letterman (Rickles or Orson Bean? ) could sit in for a spell and spill some beans.
you back yet?
how about a post of you just doing random stuff at home.
Every time I look at this, I see "Hello Anus" and I have to do a double-take.
Hellooooo? Anyone out there? Just checking in. Hope all is going well in freelance world. I heard something that reminded me of you this morning. It seems that the Foo Fighters (who backed Mick Jagger on last week's SNL) played the after-party and threw "I Love Rock n Roll" in the mix. And the BIG NEWS was that they were joined on stage by...drumroll puhleeze...Kristin Wiig, Jason Sudeikis, and Andy Samberg. Um...can we file that under who gives a shit? Don't they know that Joan herself lives a hop, skip, and a jump away? Although, to be fair, maybe they asked her to show and she told them to go fuck themselves.
OH SHIT...You were serious?
@Michael: Thanks, yes, I think Hiatus is in New Jersey! I'm hoping to be back at the latest by June 15th, please stay tuned!
@Dan: I'm hoping to be back and running soon, please be patient and thanks for hanging in there with me.
@siggy freud: That's good to know!
@Biff: The freelance world is not too great, a long story I'll tell you soon. That sucks that they didn't invite Joan Jett to play.
@Art: Yep, hope to be back soon! Please check back in a week or so.
I found your Star Wars 35th anniversary post underwhelming,
Keep fucking that chicken.
@csp: These days it feels like the chicken's fucking me and not in a good way either!
get some Google ads up on the site! I know you get some cash out of it.
@Dan: I appreciate the thought, but the money you get from Google, isn't worth junking the blog up with, I've tried them in the past.