Holding Pattern
Well, I was hoping that this day wouldn’t come, but it’s here. Sadly, I have to put this blog on hold until I find a job, which it looks like, could take some time. Times are tight and I haven’t been able to find anything in the city or close by, so I need to go into ultra-cheap mode and just can’t afford to spend any money or time on this blog until I find something. When I do, I will continue to trip on, I just don’t know when that will be. Hopefully soon. If you’d like to send me your email, please do and I’ll make up a list to send out, when this blog gets reactivated. I really appreciate all the support from all of you and hope to be back soon.
There is good news to be had though, my pals over at Grade “A” Francy, Karen and Jon have written and illustrated a cool new map of Greenwich Village. You can read all about it here: Truly Greenwich Village.
Okay, back to looking for work, I hope to be back here soon! Thanks again for reading and all the support for TWM, I shall return! And if anybody out there knows of any jobs, particularly night work, please let me know.
Bonus Art From Jaws!
Jaws the Cabbie sent in this Cardboard Box Man Movie poster...aaaahhh!

Reader Comments (81)
Work sucks! I am also looking for work. Good luck man.
If you had magnificent tits and a stellar ass and one hell of a good agent on your side, you wouldn't be in this position Marty, but you are in survival mode now like well over 90% of the rest of the population. Let me know with an e-mail when you're coming back and I'll be right there with you. Your ardent pen pal, Jaws the Cabbie.
Oh, by the way, check your e-mail from last night and post if you want. Later dude...
Damn. Oh well. I will miss you, Marty. Happy job hunting.
@legitimate beef: I hear you, there's not much out there, if you hear of anything please let me know! Good luck and I hope to be back soon.
@Jaws: Tough times for sure, my friend! We'll keep in touch via email for now.
@meleah: Thanks, hopefully something will come up soon. At least there's still beer in the fridge!
Good luck.
I know it's rough out there. Good luck to you and I'll let you know if I hear of any opportunities.
Hey Marty! sorry to hear about the blog. Good luck on your job hunting. Please e-mail me your resume to my Gmail account. no promises but I will definitely pass it around.
@GENE: Thanks, hopefully something will pop up soon and this show will be back on the road.
@Goggla: Thanks, let's hang out soon!
@RayRay: Thanks so much for offering to do that! I'll send it soon!
Well things must be REALLY shitty for one of the Founding Members of the NewYorkBlogMafia (and I personally have ALWAYS looked upon you as the REAL Godfatha......with of course Slum Goddess as Godmutha) havin' trouble keepin' the wolves from the door.
I thought at least that Louie the Lip over there at EVGrieve would have been able to get you some "night" work (wink-wink.......say no more). Oh.....that's right.....word is he's busy auditioning his new crop of EVGrievettes......maybe he could use a hand?
Seriously though Mahteee, I think the solution to your lack of cash flow is right here on your site........BUT you gotta change the subject matter of the blog. It's time to get OUT of the Bars and INTO the Strip Clubs......OUT of the Burger Joints and INTO the Brothels........OUT of the Subway Maze and INTO the NYC Private Sex Club daze........from Soft Lore to Hard Core........(ok,ok, I'll stop:+)
BEST thing about this idea (besides the SLIGHTLY obvious) is the new blog name =
FUCKIN' WITH MARTY!?!?!..........................=.........................PERFECT !
(Your mom and pop will be SOOOOOOO proud!!!)
Break a leg brotha...........sumpin' good JUST around the corner. Keep on chooglin'!
hang in there marty! i'm happy there's beer in your fridge and hope a job comes along soon! :)
Marty, Sorry to read this. Good luck and I'm waiting for your return.
And don't listen to Jaws, you have one HELL of a rack!
Drats, but keep your chin up, pal. It'll all work out.
@DrBOP: Thanks for the larfs and the good thoughts, as always! Hopefully this is just a short break!
@anonymous271: Thanks! And thanks for the comment regarding Jaws! I got a great laugh out of that one!
@Biff: Thanks, the aforementioned chin is up and will be assisting me in drinking a beer in about four hours!
Good luck - will definitely let you know if I hear of any work. And would like to support your job search with some complimentary beers ...
@onemorefoldedsunset: Thanks, and getting together for a few beers sounds great!
Good Luck Marty, I will keep coming back, waiting for Your return.
@JHwng: Thanks, Jason! Hopefully you won't have to wait long, cheers!
Fingers crossed for you Marty!
It'll happen, don't worry Marty. Your next six-pack is on me. I stopped drinking Beer and went back to Vodka. One of my favorite axioms of the 70s: "Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker".
Good Luck Marty,
As you can see you have a lot of friends rooting for your success.
Good luck, Marty. And thanks a million for the plug.
@Peter: Thanks, buddy, I've got my eyes crossed!
@Uncle Waltie: Thanks, my friend. Hope to see you soon! Sip Ahoy!
@Terry: Thanks, I appreciate the good wishes from you and everybody here!
@Ned Sparks: Thank you and happy to give Truly Greenwich Village a shout out, you and Karen did a great job on it!
Good luck with the search. Something will turn up. Drop me a line, we'll hang out and I'll buy a few rounds.
Do what you have to do. Here's looking forward to your return.
Jesus, I don't show up for a while and this happens. What happened to your job? This really sucks...the blog, sure, but the bigger thing is not having work. Best of luck, Marty.
Hey, what kind of work are you looking for? You never know.
@DaveW: Thanks! If you don't hear from me, send me an email, that means I can't find yours and we'll hang out.
@BabyDave: That's what I'm doing and I'm hoping to be back swiftly!
@dark1p: I've always worked in the production part of printing/pre-press, but I'm willing to do just about anything, preferably a night shift job. If you hear of anything, I'd appreciate you letting me know! Thanks for the support!
Hang in there Brother, I feel your pain.
Stay in touch Daddio.
I miss bullshitting with you.
@"Boris:" Thanks, brother! I miss the bullshitting sessions too, let's try and yak this week.
Best of luck Marty! Sending you job vibes and hoping you can return to this fun soon!
@kari: Thanks for the good vibrations! Hopefully something will come along soon!
Holy shit, captain.......
I come up from the hold for the first time in forever and the boat's run aground. Don't stop blogging, just maybe, lower your sights. Example - grocery shopping Trader Joe's bin behind the freight door, and the best furniture values available on frat alley now that last quarter is done. We kin roll with it......'>.........
The adventures MUST and WILL continue! It's just a matter of time! Marty for Mayor!
What Shawn said. Bona fortuna!
@lzzzrdrrl: I'll never stop blogging or writing, this is just a small break while I find a job to help support the aforementioned blogging and writing. I'm hoping to be back soon. In the meantime, we'll all swab the decks!
@Shawn: They will continue and hopefully soon, my friend! And my first action of duty as Mayor will be to legalize the drinking of beer anywhere if its contained in a brown bag.
@Marco: Thank you sir! Bona fortuna on rye, with mustard please!
With a platform like, "Drink Where You Like (as long as it's in a brown bag)" you're a shoe-in for mayor. I spent some quality time drinking beer out of a 7-11 cup this weekend carousing around the city. Good luck with the job search. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for anything out there.
Anytime you wanna meet at Ruby's on a Friday pm or Saturday afternoon for a few cold ones, shoot me an email! We'll treat!!
Good luck Marty. We'll all be waiting fro your triumphant return.
Big Foot Lorsban
@randall: Another good way to sneak beers around the city is in green tea bottles. If you hear of anything, let me know, I'd appreciate it, thanks!
@Katrink: Will do, that would be great to finally meet!
@Dave - Everywhere: Thanks, I hope it'll be sometime this summer.
@tehennessey: Ha ha ha! Forgot all about that! Sorry I haven't returned your call, I'll try you soon!
Looking forward to your quick return to trippin' ... All the best 'till then ....
@EV Grieve: Thanks, EVG! I hope to return to tripping soon, I said that in the '70s once!
Sending positive thoughts your way Marty. Chin up, you'll find something.
@csp: Okay.
@Jason: Thanks, Jason! It's kind of slim pickings out there, but hopefully something will turn up soon!
Marty, godspeed:)
@Mike Hunt: Thanks! There's not a lot out there for me now, so I'm going through some tutorials to get some new skills.
Just when I need a New Post to get Me started for The Day, Dam.
Anyway I Know You'll Return, Just Got To Wait On Line Like The Rest. I wonder if I am the First on line.
There is Beer in Fridge & 10:30 AM Here, & have allot of cleaning to do, dam House Wife Duties Suck, when Your not in Mood & need a New post, But Fuck It I Cracking One Open For You Marty !!! Cheers.
@JHwang: Good luck with the cleaning and cheers to you!
I am going to brutally punch myself in the dick once every hour until you start blogging again.