Joan Jett At Coney Island
Q. What do you get when you cross a free Joan Jett show with Coney Island?
A. This week’s blog!
The special guest star for this outing is the Duncester! We met at the Union Square subway station for the trip on the Q train to Coney Island. It’s always a quicker trip when you have someone to talk to and kid around with on the train, so I thank the Duncester for coming out with me. Okay, it’s off we go...
And through the magic of the internet, here we are at the last stop, Coney Island!
We came a little early so we could take a walk on the boardwalk and look around.
There’s Paul’s Daughter, always glad to see they them surviving with a new lease.
And there’s the Wonder Wheel behind the chain link fence.
I heart this garbage can!
Of course, we have to make a pit stop at Ruby’s bar!
Wow, there’s a big crowd at the bar, looks like we’ll be sitting at a table.
And here’s the beautiful bartender Stephanie, who we met a few weeks ago.
Our view from our table in the back.
I had a three course dinner of a hot dog, fries and a bottle of Budweiser. The Duncester had a hot dog and a knish. Great Coney Island dining at Ruby’s as always!
You’ve got to love the signage on Surf Avenue!
The Duncester got an ice cream cone from Williams Candy for dessert.
Here we are heading down Surf Avenue, almost there!
And we’re here, you have to pay five bucks to get a seat closer to the stage, but still, five bucks for a Joan Jett show, what a deal!
Here’s the program for the show.
As the sun sets, the show is just about to begin.
Everyone’s getting up as showtime is about to start.
Ladies and gentlemen...Joan Jett and the Blackhearts! They started the show off with, “Bad Reputation.”
I was a little nervous, because they said on the website that there’s no cameras allowed. As you can see that rule is not enforced.
Joan Jett rocked the house, as always.
This is as close as I could get to the stage, it was jammed up here.
So I retreated back to our spot.
The Duncester wisely brought binoculars to get a closer look at the show from our seats.
Here’s a shot of Joan on the big screen, she looks fabulous as always!
Another shot of Joan on the big screen.
Flashbombs went off during the song, “Cherry Bomb.”
A tale of two dipshits, check out the guy on the phone during the show and the guy in front of him texting. Jerkoffs.
It was a great show, this is the fifth time I’ve seen Joan Jett and she always puts on a great, rocking show!
Afterwards we decided to have a couple of beers at the Freak Bar.
It was crowded inside with people from the show.
Love the Freak Bar poster!
How cool is this Coney Island pinball machine?
And I ran into my old pal, Frank Wood! He told me to say hi to Clacky and Shannon, so hi to Clacky and Shannon from Frank Wood. If you want to check out one of his shows, he’s at Otto’s every Sunday.
Of course I had to get a shot of Nathan’s at night, always a spectacular view!
Back to the subway for the trip home.
Of course we’ll end with the obligatory subway window shot. Thanks to the Duncester for coming along, it was a great show and a great night!
Further Watching (Videos from the show): Bad Reputation, The French Song and Cherry Bomb.
She can sing,
You want to see her ding a ling.
Surprise link, click on it...I dare you!
I’m posting this super early because I start a temp job this week. As usual, I don’t blog about work, but it could lead to a full time job, so wish me luck please! I’ll comment back to everyone later tonight when I get home. I don't think I should be messing around on the internet my first day!

Reader Comments (45)
Bona fortuna, Marty!
Morning Marty, I guess I'm the 1st poster. It's 8:15 am & I'm eating breakfast getting ready to go to my Temp ( freelance) job. Ahhh, Fucking Mondays. Great Coney Island Joan Jett post today. The interview was cool.
Good luck on your first day of school Marty, Wecome back to the working week.
Hey, not one pick of a Coney Island cutie with some nice round boobies? Boy, you'd better get your act together, I'm outta here!
That vintage shot of Stefanie's back got my day off to a flying start! I bet your wittle heart just went pitta-pat pitta-pat being even that close to Joan Jett, didn't it Marty? Ha! Good luck on the new job, Man!
Joan Jett always gives 100% at her concerts. She is a true rocker and I am also a big fan. I hear you about those dipshits texting and talking on the cell,,,,hell its an epidemic. The best to you on this job and hoping this leads to a full time position.
Good luck at the new gig. I hope it goes smoothly. If for some reason it sucks, no worries. I'm pretty much you can destroy everything and everyone there and then plead temporary insanity. A win-win situation.
All of these Coney Island posts lately are cool. Great way to spend the summer!
Damn, wish I'd know about this - I love Joan Jett! Looks like a great show.
Congrats on the temp job - small steps!
STILL think you both should have gone ROARIN' up to the soundcheck on rented Harleys..... poppin' a 360 burnout parkin' job.......hoppin' off the bike singin' Springsteen's Sandy ( I came for you, for you.....)......and she DEFINITELY would have come RUNNIN' into your arms....whispering in your ear, "Ohhhhh Maaaahhhty, make passionate, kinky love to me 3 times a day.....and I will support you FOREVER!."
I have it on good evidence, she was BREATHLESSLY waiting for you ALL afternoon.....and could HARDLY do the show through her disappointment. I'd be checkin' around corners for the next couple of weeks, DON'T wanna piss off the QUEEN OF ROCK AND ROLL :+)))))
'Course, that's don't REALLY need her for her bank account anymore because you got a PART-TIME job (little dig!)......MAN, you must like livin' on the edge!
What's next.....goin' to a Lady GAGAGAGA show and screamin' out, "MADONNA... I LOVE YOU!!!".
Freakin' EXCELLENT post.....and hope your first day back wasn't a TOTAL drag. Give 'em hell, cap'n!
@Marco: Thank you!
@dannythefreelancer: Thanks, glad you liked the Joan Jett post! And thanks for your help and leads during my unemployed months, I appreciate it and plan on buying you dinner and drinks with my first paycheck! We'll do a return tour of Weehawken!
@Mykola Mick Dementiuk: What's Stephanie? Chopped liver?
@Jaws the Cabbie: Thanks, Jaws! Both Stephanie and Joan gave my heart the pitta-pattas!
@Al: Thanks! Both the Duncester and I agreed that she looks great and really rocks the house! You'd never guess she's 54-years-old. If anyone ever gets a chance to see her and the Blackhearts live, do it!
@csp: Thanks and I like the temporary insanity idea!
@GENE: Nothing better than a free Joan Jett show in Coney Island, just like winning the lottery!
@Goggla: I didn't think to invite you, since it was a Thursday night, sorry about that! And thanks for the good wishes on the job!
@DrBOP: Ha ha ha! I love the Lady Gaga idea! And glad you liked the post and some things took a weird turn at my work life. Everything's good and I'll explain the whole thing in a week or two. SIP AHOY!
Marty, you came back! My gf told me she read your comment about moving back to the heartland and I thought the worst. But you came back and with a possible job yet! Wish I coulda helped on that score, slim pickin's out there with people I know...
I still owe you a couple of beers--which is now MORE than a couple beers, when you add in the interest since I first mentioned it! Doing anything later this week or staying dry on work nights during your first week? Drop me a note. And good luck! They'll hire you if they know what they're doing.
Boy, my arms are really scary/hairy. But not as scary as the Spook-a-Rama ride that I made Marty take before we went to Ruby’s.
@dark1p: That was just a quick trip to Peoria, although I did have a deadline of when I would have to move back and it looks good in the job department now! I'll definitely send you an email and hope we can meet this week!
@The Duncester: Great videos, the photos of Spook-a-Rama didn't turn out good, so thanks for posting those and for joining me on a great night out!
Good luck w. the temp job - hope it turns into something permanent. Some nice CI shots!
I love Rock n' Roll, I LOVE JOAN JETT, and I love Tripping with Marty to Coney Island to see her !! This was the very next best thing to seeing the Goddess herself in the flesh ! Thanks for the super great Trip out to Coney Island and for posting all the videos of the JJ&TBH show, too. I'm so happy for you that you got to see her this year at Coney Island, since you missed her last year - she was singing to you, Marty - that line, " You drive me wild....yeah !". CONGRATS and good luck on the new job - you're gonna kill 'em with your brilliance !
@onemorefoldedsunset: Thanks, some good things have happened on the work front that I'll post in a bit. It was a great show!
@Kat: Thanks to you for reminding me of this! And boy do I wish she was singing that to me! Thanks for the kind words about the new job! You are the Kat's meow!
Hey Marty. Joan Jett definitely puts on a great show. Had a chance to see her in Las Vegas some years ago.
Good to hear you've got a temp gig that could hopefully lead to something more permanent. Good luck!
Marty - The best I could do to imitate your Joan Jett experience was to eat a grocery store bought Nathans and listen to I Love Rock and Roll on my old cassette.
Serious Good Luck with the job!!
@Peter: She puts on the best rock 'n' roll show, always great to see her live! Thanks for the good wishes for the job!
@Art: Ha ha ha, too funny! Thanks for the good luck note, things look good right now!
congrats on the temp work marty. i'll keep my fingers crossed that it leads to a full time gig. i miss my daily dose of twm!
Good luck Marty. I hope this turns into a permanent gig.
Man wish I had been available for this show -- Coney and Joan are a perfect match. I've only seen her once when I was a newly minted teenager, she had just hit it big with I Love Rock & Roll and was opening up for ZZ Top in Houston. I went with my friend and he had to bring his ultra-Christian mom as a chaperone. Ugh. It didn't go well when the first thing she shouted out was "are there any motherf*cking trouble makers out there!?" She made us go home halfway through ZZ Top when the good Reverand Billy Gibbons mentioned something about everyone getting high. Oh well...At least I saw the whole Joan set! She was great.
@Jason: Thanks! If things go the way I want them too, hopefully sometime in September I'll be back on schedule.
@Dave - Everywhere: Thanks, things are looking up for the first time in awhile!
@Spike: Ha ha ha! Great story and what a double bill that would've been! I've seen ZZ Top live and they're great too. Like you say, at least you saw the whole Joan Jett show and at least half of ZZ Top!
Oh yah, just remembered, I also saw her come on stage at an Indigo Girls concert and sing Crimson & Clover. Awesome!
@Spike: Joan Jett makes a cool guest appearance in this video.
I'd like to send this one out for Lou and Rachel
and all the kids and P.S. 192
@Lewis Allan Reed: Okay, out it goes!
"Shannon" ... thats ME!!!
Coney Island, pinball, Freak Bar, Joan Jett, and Frank Wood... it doesn't get any better than that!!! no seriously...
@Green Monkey: I had no idea you knew Frank Wood! And it really doesn't get any better than this, a great night out!
Great blog Daddio!
(sorry I'm so late to the party, been a lot going on)
Always a great time when Joan plays.
Saw her many a time, but the best is when she and Michael J. Fox , Michal McKean and theit 'Light Of Day' band 'The Barbusters' played a small club in the Chicagoland area) What a great night, many stories evolved from that evening, including being in the 'Light of Day' filming at the Auditorium Theatre in Chicago when the Fabulous Thunderbirds were playing. MJ and Joan were seated behind me in the crowd, when I thought it would be ;hilarious' to, instead of clapping, get the crowd to start 'woofing' as that was a Chicago tradition due to the Bears, I was pretty fucked up, and, needless to say the entire place erupted in woofing. Director Paul Schrader (who wrote 'Taxi Driver') was pissed. (it was SUPPOSED to be Cleveland). I thought it was funny as Hell as did Joan and MJ. To my surprise, on page 2 of the Chicago Sun Times the next day, there was an article, 'Woofing Ruins 'Cleveland' Film Scene'. I still have that news clipping. I have to find the photos when we were all hanging out.
Some of my 'crew' ended up 'escorting' MJ around and to some hockey games etc. Great times Daddio!
Didn't mean to take over the post, but it was a related (somewhat) story. Ahhh, those were 'the daze', my friend.
Just caught the typos, damn en-editable posts, THEIR band, etc.
@"Boris:" Great story, daddio! Thanks for sharing it and PLEASE find those photos so I can post them. Too cool!
Totally jealous. I've only seen her LIVE once; but it was one of my alltime favorite shows!
Crossing my fingers, toes, and various other joints for you concerning the job!
@wendyvee: Joan Jett never disappoints! Things are looking good on the job front, I'm crossing my fingers, legs and eyes! I'll have more to report in a week or so.
Marty!!!! What a great post!!!!!!! I laughed I cried I jumped up and down it was like I was there but without eatting too many fries!
@co: Ha ha ha! Thanks for the great comment and I'm glad you enjoyed the post!
Always liked Joan Jett - a class act.
On an unrelated note, when are you going to do a "Cheeseburger Saturday Night" post again? I miss those.
@DaveW: Joan Jett is a class act indeed! It was a great show! I'm going to go back to doing Cheeseburger Saturday Night" when I'm working full time and can start updating this blog daily. Which, not to jinx anything, could happen soon, stay tuned!
Joan Jett's cool. She and her band are playing the Obetz Zucchini Festival this Saturday, but I can't go. One day, day, I'll see her live. Glad you got to enjoy the concert and Coney Island, to boot. Looks like it was a great day.
@Biff: Joan Jett rules! I Googled "Obetz Zucchini Festival" because I thought you were making it up, but it turns out it's for real! I'd love to go to it, maybe next year!
Wow very cool and I love the Freak Bar.
@Tiki Bar Susie: Thanks and you're right about the Freak Bar, it's a great place!
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