Passing The Virtual Hat
Today’s trip happens right here at the blog.
This blog is free of all corporate advertising and I’d like to keep it that way, so I need help from you in sponsoring it and help me cover expenses on my daily trips that I present for you here.
If you come here every day or a couple times a week and enjoy the escapades here at TWM, I’m going to ask if you could please help sponsor this blog by donating just five bucks a month. I’ve put up a PayPal button over there at the top right of the page, all you have to do is click on it and even if you’ve never used PayPal, it’ll just take a few minutes and it’s secure and painless. If, for some reason, you prefer the old fashioned way, feel free to email me and I’ll send you my address to send cash, check, money order or your first born (there’s a great black market baby operation here in NYC!) And remember, all I’m asking for is five bucks a month. I’ll just be doing this the first Tuesday of every month, so don’t expect to be hearing me ask this any other time.
Beneath the PayPal button, I’ve also added a TWM Sponsor Page, which I’ll list the names of the people who have become a sponsor this month by leaving a PayPal donation. If you wish to be anonymous, just say so on the PayPal purpose/comment. And if you have a blog or website or a facebook or Twitter page you’d like to promote, put the URL in the Paypal purpose/comment and I’ll put up a clickable link on the page underneath your name.
Back At 4 PM
Okay, I’ll be back later this afternoon around 4 PM with an update. As the donations come in, I’ll be posting them on the Monthly TWM Supporters Page below the PayPal button. So check back, hopefully it won’t be a blank page for long!
In fact, speaking of starting to fill that blank page, the first two people who sign up as sponsors over at PayPal will get a copy of my, “The Boy Who Would Be A Firetruck” book, some TWM business cards and a little plastic monkey from Otto’s Shrunken Head. The PayPal button is right over there in the sidebar know what to do! And if you can tell two or three friends or people about this, or post a link up on facebook and/or Twitter to get a little grassroots word of mouth movement going, I’d appreciate it more than you know!
I’ll be back around 4 PM with an update as to how this teleblog is going. Thanks for reading and thanks in advance if you can send five bucks in for this month’s sponsorship drive!P.S. Some people I’ve told about this asked about sending in 60 bucks at once to cover the whole year. While that’s a nice sentiment, to be truthful, I don’t know if this is going to work or not. If after a couple months, I don’t get enough monthly sponsors, I’ll either have to change the blog or stop it completely and if you’ve paid for a whole year, it wouldn’t be fair. So for now, let’s just keep it at five bucks a month, if you can. Thanks!