Blooper Reel
It’s Saturday and that means it’s time to roll out the Blooper Reel of photos I took through the week that didn’t make it to a post. And so, just like Jackie Gleason...awaaay we go!
I just told you, it's the Blooper Real, what you can't read?
I'm a model you know what I mean, and I do my little turn on the catwalk.
The Journey to Self-Appreciation. You gotta love a church that gives a sermon about masturbation!
That sound you hear is Abbie Hoffman spinning in his grave.
That sound you here is William Burroughs spinning in his grave.
I've heard that people are dying to get in to this place!
Thank God!
I think in the case of motor vehicle accidents, it's not so much the snoring as it is falling asleep at the wheel in the first place. But that's just me.
Flying cannibal alert!
I got your creative parking right here!