"Meanwhile, Back In Peoria..."
Okay, the new blog is up and running. Check it out by clicking here! See you over there!

Okay, the new blog is up and running. Check it out by clicking here! See you over there!
Okay, this is it, the last blog post for Tripping With Marty! I went through a lot with this blog. I started it when my job moved out of state, then tried different formats as I looked for work in New York City. My last few months in New York were kind of depressing for me and this blog really helped get me through those months. As did all you fine people who read it and those of you who leave great comments. I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart! This was the one constant thing I had in my life for a while and I truly appreciate those of you who supported it and read it.
This is my fourth blog I’ve done and every one has been an adventure unto itself. Every blog I seem to meet new people and make new friends and my new one is starting next week, on Monday, December 10th. I have some ideas for it, but as usual, they’re broad strokes and I’ll be winging it as always. Thanks again, everybody and I hope to see you next week!
P.S. This post is going up super early because I have to work the dreaded day shift a couple days this week. I’ll comment back when I get home later tonight. Happy Monday, Happy Birthday, Happy The Clown and Happy Rockefeller!
Further Reading: TMWS, 365 Bars and MAD.
Surprise link, click on it...I dare you!
Bonus Photo of Terry by Gene!
Speaking of meeting friends through these blogs, I met and have become great friends with three people from Baltimore collectively known as the BBC (Baltimore Bar Crawlers). Indivdually they are are Gene, Smoopy and Terry. Recently on one of their bar crawls (they usually travel to about 590 bars in one night and have over 26,000 drinks between the three of them), Gene snapped this photo of Terry sporting the legendary 365 bars t-shirt that “Boris” designed. Here’s what Gene sent along with the photo:
“Terry sporting the 365 colors in Baltimore tonight. We're at the famous Ledbetters Tavern in Fells Point. It would be on Al's list !”
Thanks for the photo, Gene! We need to time a trip to New York as soon as I get vacation time at my new job! See you all next Monday at the new blog, the link will be posted here! Have a gravy week!
I haven’t had a Thanksgiving dinner with my family for 19 years. I always came home at Christmas, so I didn’t come back for Thanksgiving. But this year I’m back and my sister had dinner. I brought cheese, crackers and salami. I didn’t want to bug my family and take photos all night, but here’s a few I snuck in during the festivities.
Before we went to my sister's, we had drinks at the infamous, Jerry's Bar in my parents basement.
Here's my contribution, cheese, salami and crackers for an appetizer.
And here's my dad carving up the Thanksgiving bird. Gobble, gobble!
Judging from the look on my sister's face, I thought I better put the camera away before I got thrown out of the joint! From left, my parents, my brother-in-law Phil, my brother Tom, my nephew Greg and my sister Terry who did a great job of cooking a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner! I hope you all had a great hollerday!
And don't forget, December 10th is the date of the new Peoria blog. Be there or be L7!
Further Reading: Calendar Date, Time and Date and Wikipedia.
Are you going on Thanksgiving Day,
To those family celebrations?
Surprise link, click on it...I dare you!
Bonus Photo From Ragin' RR!
Ragin' RR used to be a frequent commenter at all three of my blogs, but computer problems have silenced him. We do keep in touch via email and he recently sent me this photo of an old Circus magazine cover. I used to read Circus, but don't remember this one. Sadly, not all of these people made it through the '70's. Cheers to Ragin' RR and to all of you, have a great week!