A Time For Change!
When I found out last year that I wouldn’t have a job, I started saving my change and thought I’d cash it in on my first week of being unemployed. It’s kind of a personal little bonus. I put the change in a Tupperware container that’s 12 inches wide and 3 and a half inches tall. It weighs 29.5 pounds. Check it out below.I’m going to take it to the bank and cash it in. I’m guessing there’s $188.97 in there. We’ll see how close that guess is soon! It’s off to the bank!
Jesus, this thing is heavy and cumbersome to lug around. The bank is only four blocks away, but I had to stop here for a rest.
I had to make another stop here. Maybe I should just lug the coins all over town and make posts of that. Naaah.
Here we are at the TD Bank. I think that's an unfortunate name for a bank. It makes me think of a VD bank. You know, kind of like a sperm bank, but with VD instead. But that's just me.
And here's where you cash in the coins, the Penny Arcade. Isn't Penny Arcade the name of a porn star?
It's counting away, I can't wait to see how much is there.
Holy shitballs! $380.57! That's close to 200 more bucks than I thought! I know just where to go...
To my friendly neighborhood news guy for Lotto tickets and Chuckles! I got ten bucks on the Mega-Millions and ten on the Powerball. If I win, I'll really be taking some nice trips, and you're all invited!
The Chuckles were delicious!