A Time For Change!
When I found out last year that I wouldn’t have a job, I started saving my change and thought I’d cash it in on my first week of being unemployed. It’s kind of a personal little bonus. I put the change in a Tupperware container that’s 12 inches wide and 3 and a half inches tall. It weighs 29.5 pounds. Check it out below.I’m going to take it to the bank and cash it in. I’m guessing there’s $188.97 in there. We’ll see how close that guess is soon! It’s off to the bank!
Jesus, this thing is heavy and cumbersome to lug around. The bank is only four blocks away, but I had to stop here for a rest.
I had to make another stop here. Maybe I should just lug the coins all over town and make posts of that. Naaah.
Here we are at the TD Bank. I think that's an unfortunate name for a bank. It makes me think of a VD bank. You know, kind of like a sperm bank, but with VD instead. But that's just me.
And here's where you cash in the coins, the Penny Arcade. Isn't Penny Arcade the name of a porn star?
It's counting away, I can't wait to see how much is there.
Holy shitballs! $380.57! That's close to 200 more bucks than I thought! I know just where to go...
To my friendly neighborhood news guy for Lotto tickets and Chuckles! I got ten bucks on the Mega-Millions and ten on the Powerball. If I win, I'll really be taking some nice trips, and you're all invited!
The Chuckles were delicious!
Reader Comments (30)
oooh i'll finally get my house in oregon!
@Gidget: You know it! It'll be a special TWM episode!
Watch your teeth on that Chuckles. Is that the Blue Valley?
Holy crap. Nice haul. This should be a solid weekend of debauchery.
Congrats on the new blog.
The McSorley's piece was great; I could almost smell the goodness, and taste the cheese plate.
Will be following developments from afar.
@wenylouhoo: No, it's the newsstand right across the street.
@It Doesn't Rain Every Day: Great to hear from you! I need to email you and will try to over the weekend, thanks for chiming in! Glad you like the blog!
Hell ! ... you'll be able to afford a pack of smokes also !
I love the new blog.Felt like I spent the day at Ms Sorley's yesterday.
Hey, Marty, you said you were gonna cut those fingernails last night. Looks like you forgot.
@GENE: But I'm trying to quit...okay, maybe one more pack!
@BR: Thank you so much! I appreciate you tuning in and chiming in as well! Tell others!
@Bruce Davis: Ha ha ha! I'm going to get a manicure soon and show you!
Jackpot! I recently carted $120 in pennies over to TD...Jesus, that was one heavy sack. Dragging it down 2nd Ave, I feared someone would try and mug me, but then again, a giant sack of coins makes a pretty good weapon. Don't spend it all in one place!
I wish you had gone to a strip club with a camera crew and good health insurance.
The box of change resting on that standpipe looks decidedly Robotic.
Penny Arcade is great!
I had my 'Chuckles' Imagining you carrying that fucking Tupperware container four blocks with Gumby bouncing around your ass. (glad you didn't have to chase after your testicles as they rolled down your pants legs and off the curb into traffic) Worth the walk though! C'mon you Mega-Millions and Powerball!
@Goggla: You forget how heavy coins can be till you have to drag them around town, but the payoff is sweet!
@scp: Maybe next week! I need to get some quotes on health insurance!
@Martin: Ha, you're right!
@Shawn Chittle: Thanks, I need to Google that name and see what comes up!
@"Boris:" Ha ha ha! A scary mental image indeed! And yeah, c'mon Lottery tickets!
When we moved a few years ago we had one of those water cooler bottles filled to the top with coins. It took us three trips to the local TD Bank, but we eventually ended up depositing over $3,000!!! So it pays to hoard change! Took us 12 years, but still.
Wow - what a haul. I hurt my back taking coins to a TD banl last week!
Can give you some Bklyn bar recs down the line. Never checked out one you visited today, but free food is always great.
@onemorefoldedsunset: It sounds like everybody cashed in their coins this week! It must be that time of year! And I'd appreciate any Brooklyn tips you can give me!
Marty, Nice Fucking Haul. My Father used to carry a sock full of quarters when he went to Madison Square garden to see the Rangers play. He said it was a great legal weapon to use if someone came at you. You just swing it at the other guys head like David & Goliath.
@Danny: I love cashing in coins, it feels like free money. Love that story about your Father, too cool!
@Isabella, thanks, one of my favorite sayings!
Marty, Penny Arcade is a Performance Artist / Satirist who was quite popular in the 80s. I saw her a couple of times in what's now called Performance Space 122 on First Avenue and 9th Street.
@Uncle Waltie: Great news! I knew she existed! Sip Ahoy, my friend!
Forgive my sad typos - hadn't even been drinking (yet). My grandfather didn't carry coins around as a weapon in London - just a piece of lead pipe!
Lovin your escapades..haa ha in Brooklyn you always need to know where the train station is..hot grape juice..yum
@onemorefoldedsunset: Don't sweat the typos! The trick is to drink heavily before you comment, then they won't bother you! And yes, a lead pipe would work!
@Melanie: Glad you're enjoying the blog! The hot grape juice was tasty, but I burned my tongue on it!
If you win, I want to get one of those orange juice machines.
@Biff: It's yours! I haven't checked the tickets yet, I will tonight!
Mistah Marty......YIKES.....I go away for a couple of months to NoNetLand.....and my MAD world is.....GONE....and I'm following the trail.....and following......and then BANG.....I had to throw on my sunglasses.....HOLY CRAP.....you are BACK in a BIG and BRIGHT way......WOTTABANNER.......simply freakin' GREAT is what it is.
SOOOOO GLAD that you are continuing to continue on!!!
Lotsa people's worlds seem to be explodin' all over the place these days.....been goin' through some bullshit times myself......but as most Vets will tell 'ya....we already spent our time in Hell.....so it can only get better my friend. Keep on chooglin'!
Three final quick notes: 1) The main sports channel up here in CrazyCanuckLand, at tsn.ca is showing a half-hour show called "John Candy: Double Blue" about his time owning the Toronto Argonauts CFL team......absolutely EXCELLENT (however watch out for those Manly Sports Tears that might getcha') ; 2) Also BEWARE of those TD outlets......stands for Toronto Dominion bank.....obviously all part of the Canuckistan attempt at takin' over the US; 3) Someplace back in your posts you mentioned a mailing list.....and so, put me on that good old I'M GUMBY DAMMITT! list.....please and thank-you.
Remember....if they can't take a f*ck, joke'em.
@DrBOP: Holy shitballs, great to hear from you! It's been a while and I'm sorry about the bullshit times you speak of. I admire all of you vets, I'm not a fan of war, but a fan of those who go out and fight the fights that are laid on the table and keep the rest of us safe. I hope things are better now for you and I thank you for continuing to follow this journey, if you ever get to New York, let me know, the first ten beers are on me. And I'm adding you to the list right now, my friend!