Union Square
Here we go off on today's journey. Look at the big truck!
I love the Frostie Root Beer sign in the Chat 'n' Chew window.
The Greenmarket is going on at Union Square, let's go check it out.
If those were the kind of mushrooms I took in the '70's we'd really be tripping with Marty today!
Hot grape juice, I've never had that! First time for everything.
This gentleman ladels it up...
Are you seeing what I'm seeing? Aaaahhhh!
Alright, down into the subway we go. Next stop, Brooklyn! Sneeze you in about an hour or so, play nicely while I'm gone!

Reader Comments (10)
Hot Grape Juice ? UFB !!! ... how was it ???
I'm dying to know, too Gene...how was the hot grape juice? Do you think it could lead to other hot beverages, like hot chocolate milkshakes, and maybe even hot tea and coffee?? I'm already picturing me in a street vendor booth with a ladle!
Great, now all I can think of is that cup vomiting grape juice into your mouth.
I love the photography - these are mini photo essays. Just love 'em
@Rick - You may be on to something
hot toddy
@GENE: It was scalding hot! I burned the fuck out of my tongue, luckily there's beer in my future!
@Rick:Hot chocolate milkshakes? Ha ha ha! Sounds delicious!
@Shawn Chittle: Thanks, Shawn, very nice of you to say!
@spot colors: I wish!
I love that market, but not as much as I love the Chat 'n' Chew! Mac and cheese. Mmmmmm.
@Biff: Agreed! Love their mac and cheese!
Me encanta el articulo, es super interesante y curioso, se lee genial con mucha fluidez. Estoy deseando leer más artículos vuestros, sois geniales.